We rigorously authenticate every pre-owned designer bag to provide you with a trustworthy luxury shopping experience. Each of our used designer handbags is backed by a 100% money-back authenticity guarantee.

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Nate Lin, a lifelong luxury handbags and watches enthusiast, founded 959 Deluxe to provide luxury devotees around the globe with a reliable shopping experience.

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New & Pre Owned

Designer Hand Bags And Watches

959 Deluxe is your trusted destination for shopping and consigning pre-owned luxury handbags and watches. Featuring iconic brands like Chanel, Hermès, Dior, and Rolex, our curated collection includes limited-edition pieces, timeless timepieces, and authenticated luxury goods.

Every item undergoes a rigorous authentication process, ensuring the highest standards of quality and authenticity. Shop confidently with our lifetime authenticity guarantee and enjoy free U.S. express shipping.

Ready to elevate your style? Shop our luxury collection of designer bags and watches, or consign your items today!


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